Here are signs that your water heater needs attention:
Will it take longer than usual for the water to obtain hot? Would you get a consistent temperature throughout your shower? Do you run out of hot water sooner? These are all signs that your water heater isn't working efficiently.
Can be your electrical bill higher? Your unit accocunts for roughly Fifteen percent of your electrical bill, when you see a spike, understand that it might have to have a Aquecedores Paulista.

Regarding rust or a pool water underneath? If you learn either of these, the unit must be replaced.
Observe your water heater closely many times a year. Taking 10 minutes to check for those warning signs can save you hundreds, or perhaps thousands of dollars.
Don't operate the machine if it's experienced flood damage. Plumbing should always be replaced, not repaired, following a flood. Warranties void after having a flood, so you'll need to contact your insurance for coverage.
Inspect and switch the anode. Most people have never been aware of an anode, even though it's an important part of extending the life span of a water heater. An anode is definitely an aluminum or magnesium rod wrapped around a steel core wire. You can locate the anode screwed in to the top of the tank. If you're able to see the bare core wire, then it is beyond time for you to replace!
Install in location with drainage. Because of the normal corrosive action water, the tank will leak eventually. An appropriate drain pan needs to be installed beneath the unit to guard your property from water damage.
Fill tank with water before operation.If you turn on the power to your hot water heater before it's filled with water, there's a good chance you'll burn out the element in your unit.
Be alert for thermal expansion. When water gets hot, it increases in size. This becomes dangerous, lethal even, when there isn't a place for the hot water to flourish. Water heaters use a relief valve, which releases the stress, but levels are dangerous a long time before the relief valve operates. The perfect solution is is to set pressure it generates to function in the normal range, below the emergency setting of the relief valve. Installing an expansion tank will allow room for your hot water to grow without generating dangerous pressure.